Old Catholic Communion of North America - OCCNA

Old Catholic Communion of North America
An Orthodox Old Catholic Church
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The Old Catholic Communion of North America is comprised of Churches which retain the orthodox tradition of the early Church. You will find our parishes to be welcoming places of worship and family oriented. Divorced and remarried people are welcome. All Baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are welcome to receive Holy Communion. We hope and pray you take time to study the information on our sites pages and if seeking to return the orthodoxy and Truth of the Early Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church at the time of the creeds we welcome you to visit and worship in one of our churches where we believe you will find a home.

In closing we are not a, new church following new theologies , we are a “new old church”.

Come See the Difference

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We Are Ecumenical

We seek unity with all orthodox catholic churches and as such seek dialog with all communions who profess the beliefs and theology of the Early Church

We Are Traditional Old Catholic

This means we are not Roman Catholic and instead profess the orthodox faith of the Early and Undivided Church which was the intent of the founders of Old Catholicism. With this in mind we like to say that we are not a western rite Eastern Orthodox Church - we are in all reality a what Rome used to be - western and orthodox.
We Are Liturgical, Sacramental, and Apostolic
Our parishes celebrate Holy Eucharist using either our Missal or they may use other rites depending on the makeup of the congregation being served. We profess and provide seven Sacraments and allow all baptized Christians to receive Holy Communion.


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